Module 2: General Technological Skills and Digital Literacy for CCS Professionals (SENSUS)
The webinar “Module 2: General Technological Skills and Digital Literacy for CCS Professionals” was organized on October 27, 2022, as part of the series ‘Open Art Studios’ of the Erasmus+ project PALkonnect, in order to test the project’s training curriculum for the empowerment of social inclusion groups through creativity and artworks. The Module was presented by the partners from SENSUS (Sweden) and the trainer was Mrs. Erika Pihl. The aim of this session was for the participants to learn how to develop their digitals skills and how to present and introduce themselves and their artwork online, with an emphasis on: E-communication, such as how to reach out, book digital meetings; presentation and CV; marketing and selling (how to present artwork for selling on auction sites such as Etsy, Outsider art, etc.).
Link to YouTube video: